  • 80%
  • 70%
  • 60%
  • 70%

About Me

During my undergraduate studies, I challenged my individual skills by participating in programming contests, Olympiads, voluntary presentations, collaboration in different events, tutoring students with teaching assistant classes, instructing online courses, and many more. From developing embedded hardware systems to web and mobile application development, I made an effort to gain a good understanding of these fields, and I quenched my thirst for exploring various aspects of Computer Science.

As a driven master's student and dedicated professional, my journey continues to unfold as I delve deeper into the intricacies of Machine Learning and Data Science. Continuously seeking opportunities to expand my knowledge and sharpen my skills, I actively engage in cutting-edge coursework and immerse myself in research endeavors. Through this unwavering commitment, I strive to remain at the forefront of these rapidly evolving disciplines.

Embracing the ever-changing landscape of technology, I revel in the opportunity to apply my expertise and passion to create meaningful contributions in the realm of Computer Science. With a focus on leveraging the power of AI and ML, I am driven to explore innovative solutions, solve complex problems, and unlock new possibilities for the future.

  • Work Experience

  • Machine Learning Developer

    Decentralized Science Lab
    Georgia, USA (Nov 2021 - Apr 2022)
    • Developed deep clustering with PyTorch, minimizing autoencoder reconstruction loss
    • Published the resulting paper in IEEE World AI IoT Congress 2022 (AIIoT)

  • Data Scientist

    Khorasan Science and Technology Park
    Mashhad, Iran (Feb 2021 - Oct 2022)
    • Achieved an F1-measure of 84% by training a profanity detector on natural language using SVM
    • Engineered an Item-Based Recommender System, reducing the base RMSE error rate by 20%
    • Innovatively combined K-means with a logical flowchart, leading to a 15% decline in clustering error
    • Optimized over 30 stored SQL procedures across diverse RDBMs (MySQL, SQL-Server, and SQLite)
    • Yielded a 50% reduction in internal paperwork by designing local data visualization dashboards using Streamlit

  • Teaching Assistant

    Sadjad University of Technology
    Mashhad, Iran (Sep 2017 - Jan 2020)
    • Tutored Artificial Intelligence (x2), Algorithm Design (x3), and Discrete Mathematics (x2)
    • Mentored over 400 students for a total of approximately 210 hours as a teaching assistant

  • Education

  • M.Sc. Computer Science Student

    University of Milan
    Oct 2022 - Current

  • B.Sc. Computer Engineering Degree

    Sadjad University of Technology
    Sep 2016 - Sep 2020
    • Awards: Ranked 2nd GPA among the graduating class, reached national computer Olympiad in Iran
    • Thesis title: Model-Based Collaborative-Filtering Recommender System to recommend top 5 movies for all users


Certificates that I've earned during MOOCs, self-studying or workshops (time descending order)


The most noticeable projects that I've done so far


List of my contributions to the scientific research projects

Image Gallery

The most memorable events of my academic life


AI Hackathon

Google Developer Student Club (GDSC)
Milan, 2024

AI Hackathon

Google Developer Student Club (GDSC)
Milan, 2024

ACM Competition

Sadjad University of Technology
Mashhad, 2017

ACM Competition

Sadjad University of Technology
Mashhad, 2018

ACM Competition

Ferdowsi Programming Contest (FCPC)
Mashhad, 2019

ACM Competition

Ferdowsi Programming Contest (FCPC)
Mashhad, 2019
Graduation Day

Graduation Day

Sadjad University of Technology
Mashhad, 2020
Sadjad IO Event

Executive Committee

Sadjad I/O
Mashhad, 2018
Sadjad IO Event

Executive Committee

Sadjad I/O
Mashhad, 2018